Nail Surgery

Nail Surgery

Nail surgery is a type of procedure that is often performed in a foot clinic to treat a variety of conditions that affect the nails on the feet. There are several different types of nail surgery that can be performed, and the specific technique used will depend on the specific condition being treated.

One common type of nail surgery is a partial nail avulsion. This procedure is used to treat ingrown toenails, which occur when the edges of the nail grow into the surrounding skin. The procedure involves numbing the area around the affected nail and then carefully removing a portion of the nail to relieve the pressure and prevent further growth into the skin.

Another type of nail surgery is a total nail avulsion. This procedure is used to treat severely ingrown nails or other conditions that affect the entire nail. The procedure involves removing the entire affected nail, as well as a small portion of the underlying nail bed.

Before any surgical procedures, the practitioner performs a thorough examination of the affected foot and takes note of any underlying conditions that may need to be addressed during the surgery. They will also explain the procedure, the risks and benefits, and the postoperative care to the patient. It’s important that the patient is compliant with the postoperative instructions to prevent any complications.

It’s important to note that nail surgery is usually a minor procedure that can be performed in a clinic setting, but the recovery time and postoperative care may vary depending on the specific procedure and the patient’s overall health condition.